
‘AddMessage’add message to DD message list
‘AutoLoad’loads DD file for inspection
‘CheckPointsOfInclusion’checks points of inclusion and updates POI table
‘CheckRefs’check reference properties
‘Clear’delete all objects in specified DD
‘ClearAll’clear all DD trees
‘ClearMessageList’clear messages in DD
‘Close’close a project
‘Copy’copy an object
‘CopyToWorkspace’copy object into DD tree (workspace
‘CopyTree’copy an object and its children
‘Create’create an object
‘CreateDD’create a new DD tree
‘Delete’delete an object, property, or property variant
‘DeleteDD’delete a DD tree
‘DeleteMessage’delete n-th DD message
‘Edit’open type specific object dialog
‘Exist’check if object identifier is valid
‘Export’invoke export module
‘Find’search object
‘FindNext’looks for next object in tree hierarchy
‘FindRefs’find objects with reference property that point to a specified object
‘Get’get a property
‘GetActiveVariant’get the active variant configuration
‘GetAll’get all properties in a struct
‘GetAllDDs’get information about all DD trees
‘GetAttribute’get attribute of an object
‘GetAttributes’get attributes of an object
‘GetAutoRenamePropertyIndices’get name indices of autorenamed property
‘GetChildInfo’get struct with info about common child object/property list
‘GetChildren’get vector with handles of children
‘GetChildrenNames’get cell array of strings with children names
‘GetCodeVariants’get current code variants
‘GetContextObject’get context object for ref property
‘GetCurrentDataModelRevNr’get the Data Model revision number of the specified DD
‘GetCurrentVariantConfig’get current VariantConfig object
‘GetDataModelRevNr’get the revision number of the current Data Model
‘GetDataVariants’get current data variants
‘GetDDAttribute’get attribute of specified DD tree
‘GetDDAttributes’get information about a DD tree
‘GetDefaultPath’returns default path for objects of specified object kind
‘GetEnv’get environment variable
‘GetLastMessage’get the last DD message
‘GetListOfVariants’get list of variants of a property
‘GetMaxNumMessages’get the max. number of messages
‘GetMessage’get n-th DD message
‘GetMessageList’get all messages from DD
‘GetModified’check if any object is modified in specified tree
‘GetNumMessages’get number of messages
‘GetPointsOfInclusion’get points of inclusion
‘GetPropertyNames’get cell array of strings with property names
‘GetPropertyType’get type of property
‘GetRawMode’check if raw mode is set
‘GetUser’get DD user mode
‘HasCurrentDataModelRevNr’checks if specified DD’s Data Model revision number corresponds with current Data Model revision number
‘HasObjectDialog’checks if object dialog is available for specified object
‘Help’show this screen
‘Import’invoke import module
‘IsCompatible’check if referred object is compatible
‘IsDDFile’checks if a specified file is a valid DD file
‘IsModified’check if DD has been modified
‘IsPointOfInclusion’check if object is a point of inclusion
‘Load’load DD file into object
‘MakePointOfInclusion’make an object a point of inclusion
‘Merge’merge an object into another
‘Move’moves object to another parent
‘Open’open a project
‘OpenHelp’open on-line help for specified object, or property
‘ResetToDefault’reset object to default value according to the Data Model
‘Save’save object to file
‘SelectDDTemplate’select DD template file
‘SelectObject’select value for reference property
‘Set’set property of an object
‘SetAccessRights’set access attributes of object and/or children
‘SetActiveVariant’set the active variant configuration
‘SetAll’set properties with a struct
‘SetAttribute’set attribute of an object
‘SetAttributes’set attributes of an object
‘SetDDAttribute’set attribute of specified DD tree
‘SetEnv’set environment variable
‘SetMaxNumMessages’set the max. number of messages
‘SetModified’set modified attribute of DD tree
‘SetPassword’set DD admin password
‘SetRawMode’set raw mode
‘SetUser’set DD to user or admin mode
‘SortChildren’sorts an object’s children
‘SuppressMessage’suppress specified message
‘SyncAutoRenameChild’reorder autorenamed children
‘SyncAutoRenameProperty’reorder autorenamed properties
‘Unlock’unlock dsdd MEX DLL
‘Upgrade’upgrade current DD to match current Data Model
‘Validate’validate object
‘ValidateTree’validate object and all subobjects
‘WriteMessagesToFile’write DD messages to file